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Chansons yiddish

ייִדישע לידער

Yiddish songs

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Le "bleu" et Le "rouge"

Deux recueils de chansons bien connus de tous ceux qui apprécient les chansons yiddish...
Two well-known books of yiddish songs:
publiés par - published by - the Workmen's Circle Education Department

Le bleu - the blue one:
Mir Trogn a Gezang
The New Book of Yiddish Songs
by Eleanor Gordon Mlotek
Le rouge - the red one:
Pearls of Yiddish Song
Favorite Folk, Art and Theatre Songs
Compiled by Eleanor Gordon Mlotek & Joseph Mlotek

Ce site ne regroupe que quelques chansons parmi tant d'autres...
Pour avoir une petite idée de ce qui existe au delà, voici un index qui vous permettra d'en trouver quelques autres dans les excellents livres des Mlotek.
This website can't gather all the yiddish songs in the world, there are so much of them,
Here's an index to find some others easily in the excellent Mlotek's books.

Pour chercher une chanson ou un mot d'un titre, vous pouvez utiliser la fonction Ctrl-F de recherche qu'ont la plupart des navigateurs.
To find a title or a word in this page, most browsers have a search function you can access by typing Ctrl-F.

Chanson - Song page livre - book

A brivele der mamen 144
Songs of America
A glezele yash 68
Songs for celebrations and parties
A khazndl oyf shabes 108
Once upon a time
A kholem 24
Songs of love and courtship
A kind a goldene 16
Songs of childhood
A malekh veynt 38
Songs of love
A mol iz geven a mayse 104
Once upon a time
A nign 112
Once upon a time
A pastekhl 130
Once upon a time
Akhtsik er un zibetsik zi 62
Songs for celebrations and parties
Ale brider 160
Songs for community singing
Am Yisroel khay! 194
Am Yisroel khay!
Arbeter-froyen 68
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Arbeter-ring-himen 100
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Aroyskumen zolstu mayn meydl 46
Songs of love and courtship
Arum dem fayer 176
Songs in a quiet mood
Avek di yunge yorn 132
Once upon a time
Avremele un Yosele 198
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Avreml der marvikher 200
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Az der rebe tantst 127
Our beloved rabbi
Az ikh vel zogn "lekho doydl" 157
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Az ikh volt gehat dem keysers oytsres 2
Songs of childhood
Bay dem shtetl 14
Songs of childhood
Bayt zhe mir oys a finfuntsvantsiker 60
Songs for celebrations and parties
Belz 260
Songs of the theatre
Bin ikh mir a khosidl 129
Our beloved rabbi
Bulbes 74
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Dem Bal-shem-tovs zemerl 133
Our beloved rabbi
Dem milners trern 120
Once upon a time
Dem pedlers brivele 242
The golden land
Dem zeydns brokhe 100
Once upon a time
Der filosof 124
Once upon a time
Der fodem 72
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Der kranker shnayder 76
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Der rebe Elimeylekh 168
Songs for community singing
Der rebe hot geheysn freylekh zayn! 136
Our beloved rabbi
Der yid der shmid 90
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Der yunginker shnayderl 39
Songs of love
Di bord 128
Once upon a time
Di dray neytorins 70
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Di goldene pave 106
Once upon a time
Di grine kuzine 142
Songs of America
Di krenetse 196
Songs in a quiet mood
Di mame dertseylt 96
Once upon a time
Di mashke 163
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Di mekhutonim geyen 56
Songs for celebrations and parties
Di minzinke oysgegebn 54
Songs for celebrations and parties
Di shvue 98
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Di sokhe 96
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Di verbe 42
Songs of love
Di zun iz fargangen 204
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Di zun vet aruntergeyn 180
Songs in a quiet mood
Dire-gelt 76
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Don un Donye 58
Songs of love
Dona, dona 175
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Dos alte porfolk 206
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Dos baytshl kreln 60
Songs of love
Dos fertsnte yor 136
Once upon a time
Dos lid fun ayznban 126
Once upon a time
Dos lid fun broyt 102
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Dos lidl fun goldenem land 208
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Dos pintele yid 231
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Dos zangl 63
Songs of love
Dray tekhterlekh 210
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Du, du 32
Songs of love
Elis-ayland 244
The golden land
Ergets vayt 84
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Eybik 199
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Eyli, Eyli 220
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Eynzam 162
Songs for community singing
Far vos 184
Songs in a quiet mood
Faryomert, farklogt 223
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Fisherlid 34
Songs of love
Fonye Ganev 134
Once upon a time
Fraytik oyf der nakht 110
Once upon a time
Fun kosey biz kitev 131
Our beloved rabbi
Fun vanen heybt zikh on a libe? 16
Songs of love and courtship
Geven a mol a yid mit a yidene 98
Once upon a time
Gey ikh mir shpatsirn 37
Songs of love and courtship
Got un zayn mishpet iz gerekht 234
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Harshl 179
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Her nor, du sheyn meydele 32
Songs of love and courtship
Hershele 53
Songs of love
Hey, tsigelekh 213
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Hirsh lekert 94
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Hob ikh mir an altn daym 66
Songs for celebrations and parties
Hof un gleyb 86
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Hulyet, hulyet beyze vintn 66
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Hulyet, hulyet, kinderlekh 214
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Ikh bin a "border" bay mayn vayb 254
The golden land
Ikh ken a meydl 45
Songs of love and courtship
Ikh vil nit geyn in kheyder 12
Songs of childhood
Ikh vil nit keyn ayzerne keytn 86
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
In an orem shtibele 9
Songs of childhood
In der kuznye 82
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
In kamf 80
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
In rod arayn 153
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Itsik hot khasene gehat 165
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Kartofl-zup mit shvonem 216
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Katarina moloditsa poydi syuda 167
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Keshenever pogrom 137
Once upon a time
Kh'vel shoyn mer nit ganvenen 177
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Kh'vil nisht aza khosn 220
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Khasidimlekh 112
Once upon a time
Kholemen khaloymes 184
Songs in a quiet mood
Kinder-yom 222
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Kotsk 138
Our beloved rabbi
Kum, Leybke, tantsn 228
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Laptshes 46
Songs of love
Lebn zol kolombus 140
Songs of America
Lekhayim 53
Songs for celebrations and parties
Leyg ikh mir in bet arayn 48
Songs of love
Leyg ikh mir mayn kepele 114
Once upon a time
Lid fun titanik 104
Once upon a time
Lid fun trayengl-fayer 251
The golden land
Lomir ale zingen a zemerl 156
Songs for community singing
Lomir beyde a libe shpiln 18
Songs of love and courtship
Lomir zikh iberbetn 26
Songs of love
Lomir zikh iberbetn, ovinu shebashomayim 214
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Makhnes geyen 84
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Mamenyu mayne 119
Once upon a time
Mamenyu, lyubenyu 28
Songs of love
Margaritkelekh 40
Songs of love and courtship
May-ko mash-me-lon 116
Once upon a time
May-lid 82
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Mayn rue-plats 150
Songs of America
Mayn tate a koyen 219
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Mayn tsavoe 92
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Mayn yingele 148
Songs of America
Mekhuteneste Mayne 58
Songs for celebrations and parties
Melokhe-melukhe 92
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Mit keyn gelt tor men nit shtoltsirn 271
Songs of the theatre
Motele 224
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Motl der apreyter 248
The golden land
Moyshele, mayn fraynd 122
Once upon a time
Nokh a glezele tey 226
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Nokhemke, mayn zun 161
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
O; liber, mir hobn geshlosn 75
Songs of work, poverty and protest
O kum shoyn, shtiler ovnt 178
Songs in a quiet mood
Ot geyt Yankele 18
Songs of childhood
Ovntlid 194
Songs in a quiet mood
Oy-vey, rebenyu 140
Our beloved rabbi
Oy, a nakht a sheyne! 22
Songs of love
Oy, Abram 24
Songs of love
Oy, dortn, dortn 26
Songs of love and courtship
Oyfn boydem shloft der dakh 80
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Oyfn ganikl 38
Songs of love and courtship
Oyfn pripetshik 2
Songs of childhood
Oyfn veg shteyt a boym 164
Songs for community singing
Papir iz dokh vays 20
Songs of love and courtship
Papirosn 267
Songs of the theatre
Patshe kikhelekh 7
Songs of childhood
Pozharne komande 118
Once upon a time
Rabeynu Tam 170
Songs for community singing
Reb Motenyu 142
Our beloved rabbi
Regndl 110
Once upon a time
Reyzele 48
Songs of love and courtship
Rozhinkes mit mandlen 4
Songs of childhood
S'iz a lign 182
Songs in a quiet mood
S'iz nito keyn nekhtn 159
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
S'loyfn, s'yogn shvartse volkn 78
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Sha, sha, es zol zayn shtil 148
Our beloved rabbi
Sha, shtil, makht nisht keyn gerider! 144
Our beloved rabbi
Sha, shtil, un nit gezorgtl 146
Our beloved rabbi
Shivas tsion 217
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Shlof, mayn kind 152
Songs of America
Shmilik, gavrilik 146
Songs of America
Sholem-aleykhem 64
Songs for celebrations and parties
Shprayz ikh mir 70
Songs for celebrations and parties
Shterndl 116
Once upon a time
Shvartse karshelekh 28
Songs of love and courtship
Shvartse oygn hobn fayer 56
Songs of love
Tayere malke 202
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Tayere Malkele 50
Songs of love
Toybn 192
Songs in a quiet mood
Tsen brider 121
Once upon a time
Tsen kopikes 42
Songs of love and courtship
Tsum hemerl 78
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Tum-balalayke 30
Songs of love and courtship
Tumba 44
Songs of love and courtship
Umru mayne 62
Songs of love
Un du akerst 90
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Undzer nigndl 158
Songs for community singing
Undzer rebenyu 125
Our beloved rabbi
Undzer shtetl brent 231
Songs by Mordecai Gebirtig
Unter a kleyn beymele 36
Songs of love
Unter beymer 4
Songs of childhood
Unter di grininke beymelekh 6
Songs of childhood
Unter di khurves fun Poyln 192
Am Yisroel khay!
Vakht oyf! 88
Songs of work, poverty and struggle
Vaylu 190
Songs in a quiet mood
Ven es dremlt dos shtetl 44
Songs of love
Ver hot aza yingele? 12
Songs of childhood
Ver zingt es dort? 188
Songs in a quiet mood
Vi shlekht un vi biter 108
Once upon a time
Vos dergeystu mir di yorn? 34
Songs of love and courtship
Vos geven iz geven un nito 274
Songs of the theatre
Vos toyg mir der sheyner vayngortn? 30
Songs of love
Vos vet zayn az Meshiakh vet kumen 170
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Vu zaynen mayne zibn gute yor? 264
Songs of the theatre
Yam-lid 212
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Yaneks khasene 155
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Yankele 8
Songs of childhood
Yidl mitn fidl 258
Songs of the theatre
Yisrolik, kum aheyml 227
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Yome, Yome 22
Songs of love and courtship
Yoshke fort avek 106
Once upon a time
Yosl Ber 173
Humorous songs and songs for celebrations and parties
Zamd un shtern 210
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Zayt gezunterheytl 102
Once upon a time
Zhamele 88
Songs of work, poverty and protest
Zing shtil 182
Songs in a quiet mood
Zmires 237
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Zog nit keyn mol! 190
Am Yisroel khay!
Zog, maran 205
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Zol nokh zayn shabes 207
Songs of survival and national aspiration
Zol shoyn kumen di geule 172
Songs for community singing
Zol zayn 186
Songs in a quiet mood
Zolst azoy lebn 10
Songs of childhood
Zun in mayrev 186
Songs in a quiet mood

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